Our Motto: Bear Ye One Another's Burdens and So Fulfill the Law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Girls’ Friendly Society (GFS) provides ministry to girls in a safe and accepting environment where Christ’s love is evident. GFS-USA is a community within the Episcopal Church and a member of the World Council of GFS.
Through local GFS branches, the GFS-USA Month of Service, and GFS World Projects, we strive to respond to human need by serving others and seek to transform unjust structures of society, particularly for women and children.

Make the World A Better Place!

Use this free, flexible curriculum to empower
Changemakers for Christ in your church.

6 Topics

Animal Welfare
Older Adults
Disablities and Chronic Disease
Unhoused and Food Insecurity
Girl Issues

Plus “Pick your Own Topic”

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Support GFS at home and abroad

GFS-USA is a registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization.

We appreciate your support and will continue to change lives through your generosity.