GFS Members grow Step by Step
to make the World a Better Place

GFS Motto

“Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens, and so Fulfill the Law of Christ.”  Galatians 6:2

GFS Prayer

O Lord, Our Heavenly Father,
We beseech thee to bless us and all who belong to the Girls’ Friendly Society,
Strengthen and protect us by thy fatherly love,
And vouchsafe to us the guidance of thy Holy Spirit,
Help us all to bear one another’s burdens,
And to live, not for ourselves but for others as members of one family in Christ,
Cleanse us from our sins, make us holy by the indwelling of thy Holy Spirit,
And bring us all at last to the joy of thy heavenly kingdom,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  AMEN

GFS Promise

As a GFS member, I promise…

To share God’s love for all people,
To worship and serve faithfully,
To make my words true, and my actions right,
To grow strong in mind, body, and spirit,
To make the world a better place to live.

GFS Changes Lives

The GFS Difference

GFS friendships last a lifetime, across the miles and years, as girls become lifelong, faith-filled members of their Christian community. Girls do not outgrow GFS; it is a lasting community of friends.

GFS provides a safe and caring environment where girls can discover fun, friendship and the power of working together. GFS mentors help girls identify their character strengths, build self- esteem, and develop leadership skills.

Service projects challenge girls to make a difference in the lives of others within their church and community.

GFS History

Girls’ Friendly Society was founded in 1877 to help working girls in the Lowell, Massachusetts, who were lonely because they had left their homes to work in the textile mills. Watch and listen to this story of the society and how it has evolved to continue to meet the needs of girls.