
Who are GFS Sponsors?

  • GFS Sponsors support and promote GFS by sharing their time, talents and financial gifts.
  • GFS Sponsors are former members and leaders of GFS, parents of GFS members and other women who wish to further the work of GFS.
  • The need for sponsors – their time, talents and gifts – has never been greater as GFS confronts the challenges that are faced by many faith-based organizations in society today.

The Work of GFS Sponsors

Being a GFS Sponsor can be as simple as sharing information about our organization  with clergy, Bishops, and parishioners about GFS.

GFS Sponsors can also support the work of GFS  by assisting branch leaders and diocesan representatives with activities for the girls. Whether it is a extra pair of helping hands for a craft project at a branch meeting or as a guest speaker at a diocesan event, GFS is always in need of women who are interested in helping our members develop their own talents and skills, and empowering them with the faith, self-esteem and confidence to cope in an ever changing complex world.

To receive more information about becoming a GFS Sponsor, email Rev. Lisa Mitchell, the Director of Organizational Growth
at organizationalgrowthdirector@gfsus.org . You can also find us on FaceBook.

Register as an Alumna

We want to know your story! Renew and continue your relationship with Girls’ Friendly Society.  Please use the form below to tell us about your GFS experience and choose to participate in the GFS Friendship Circle again!

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Last Name

    Your Maiden Name

    Your Email (required)

    Would you like to be added to our mailing list?

    Tell us about yourself! When and where were you a member? What are your fondest memories?

    Please share how GFS impacted your life.

    Other Comments?

    Are you currently a member of the Episcopal Church?*