GFS Delores Alleyne (2)Delores Alleyne Background Information

I grew up in New Haven, Connecticut where I began attending Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church. I began my wonderful journey with the Girls Friendly Society at eight years old and have continued my affiliation with the organization for 64 years. Three generations my family have been active members of the GFS ministry. As a teenager I had the honor of becoming a GFS G3, dedicating three years of service to GFS. I then served as a GFS Summer Opportunity Youth doing missionary work in California. As a young adult I was appointed to serve on the National Board. I have served in many capacities on the Branch level, Diocesan and National levels. I hold a BS Degree in Education and have done extensive work in the community in which I live. I am now a Mature Woman of Wisdom (age) with three adult children, two daughters and one son and am also the proud grandmother of six grandchildren.

I now have the honor to serve as National President of GFS. GFS has been a part of my life and the values I learned as GFSer has governed my life, our Motto “Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens” is what I live by today. Helping my fellowman in any little way I can. GFS has taught me that as long as I have faith in God, anything and everything is possible through Christ. This you learn in a faith-based community such as GFS.